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Ross Anderson's Home Page
2024-04-24 · 75 min [Research] [Blog] [Videos] [Politics] [My Book] [Music] [Seminars] [Contact Details] Machine Learning needs Better Randomness Standards: Randomised Smoothing and PRNG-based attacks shows that the randomness tests long used to check random number generators for use in cryptograp
The Microsoft Dilemma Europe as a Software Colony documentario completo
2024-04-14 · 9 min The Microsoft-Dilemma - Europe as a Software Colony - documentario completo [embedded content]Quest'oggi vi suggerisco di guardare un interessante documentario indipendente dal titolo The Microsoft-Dilemma - Europe as a Software Colony. Il documentario, realizzato nel 2018 dai g
Get started with the latest MediaGoblin release:
2024-04-14 · < 1 min MediaGoblin is a free software media publishing platform that anyone can run. You can think of it as a decentralized alternative to Flickr, YouTube, SoundCloud, etc. It's also:The perfect tool to show and share your media! Building tools to empower the world through decentra
Navigating through Challenges and Opportunities of Cybersecurity Standardisation — ENISA
2024-03-07 · 2 min News Item On 5 March, the European Standardisation Organisations (ESOs), CEN, CENELEC and ETSI, joined forces with ENISA, the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity, to organise their 8th Cybersecurity Standardisation Conference. Published on March 07, 2024 The hybrid conferenc
Les meilleures applications libres et éthiques pour Android en 2024 Alternatives numériques
2024-02-05 · 7 min Cet article est une production collective. Suite à mon appel à propositions sur Mastodon, 45 internautes ont généreusement partagé leurs meilleures applications libres et éthiques. Merci à elles et eux.Initialement, je pensais lister dans cet article les meilleures applica
Spie su ruote: come le case automobilistiche raccolgono e poi rivendono informazioni
2023-10-27 · 9 min Facebook LinkedIn WhatsApp Email Allerta Pericoli Informatici sui Social : APP 1 : Allerta Pericoli Informatici Google Play Apple Store APP 2 : AiutamiSi ( tanti servizi gratuiti ) Google Play Apple Store Quali informazioni personali raccolgono le auto moderne
Forgejo – Beyond coding. We forge.
2023-10-15 · 1 min Forgejo – Beyond coding. We forge. Beyond coding. We forge. Forgejo is a self-hosted lightweight software forge.Easy to install and low maintenance, it just does the job.Brought to you by an inclusive community under the umbrella of Codeberg e.V., a democratic non-profit organ
2023-09-26 · < 1 min wallabag can't retrieve contents for this article. Please troubleshoot this issue.
2023-09-18 · < 1 min We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  The installer was not updated due to old cache dataCheck MD5: d5a833dea34712d46e287934f9218db0Download: here Main Changes:Added: Share. Viber, Telegram Added:
5 dei migliori lettori RSS per Windows
2023-09-18 · 3 min Anche se i lettori RSS potrebbero non essere così popolari come una volta, sono comunque strumenti inestimabili per riunire tutti i vari contenuti che ti piace leggere da numerose fonti in un unico feed. Come ci si potrebbe aspettare, i lettori RSS non funzionano tutti allo
Cutting Google out of your life
2023-09-12 · 53 min I don't have anything to hide, but I don't have anything to show you either. Contributing Browser extensions Replacements/alternatives Disclaimer Web-based products Operating systems Desktop applications Mobile applications Hardware Useful links, tools, and advice Resource
The Role of Standards in Future EU Digital Policy Legislation
2023-08-30 · 536 min The Role of Standards in Future EU Digital Policy Legislation A Consumer Perspective Hans-W. Micklitz Rue d’Arlon, 80 Bte 1 B - 1040 Brussels Tel: +32 2 743 15 90 Rue d’Arlon, 80 B - 1040 Brussels Tel: +32 2 743 24 70 Hans-W. Micklitz is Professor at the European Univ

foto Valentino Spataro
Tutti i giorni alle 8.30 by Valentino Spataro; dal 2008

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